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New feature

  • Support for camera plugins with a C-style API.
    • Please contact us for details.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the data importer.


  • Removed the "start time" setting from the acquisition configuration panel.
    • The time of the first frame will always be zero.
    • This value can still be adjusted later by editing the properties.
  • Minor UI layout adjustments.

Download link : BV_Workbench_4.6.0_Setup_win-x64.exe

· One min read


  • Waveform analysis : Added button to export statistics for all ROI at once.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in GSD reader.
  • Fixed bug in camera plugin system.
  • Various UI issues.

Other minor change

  • Changed playback speed control to "ms/s" (milliseconds/second) and moved next to play button.

Download link : BV_Workbench_4.5.0_Setup_win-x64.exe

· One min read

New features

  • Action potential "foot" detection.
    • Rise time is now calculated from this value.
  • Image comparison tool.
  • Waveform comparison tool.
  • CSV import tool.
  • Image sequence frame diff/ratio preview.


  • Analysis of multiple data at the same time is now possible (in different tabs).
  • Faster loading of image sequences and other performance tuning.
  • Re-added the opacity slider.
  • More color interpolation modes : Linear-RGB, CIELAB, HSV/HSB.
  • Fixed some naming inconsistencies.
  • Various UI tweaks
    • Dialogs will now stretch to use all space available on high resolution monitors.
    • Increased font size.
    • Higher contrast.
    • Buttons that look more like buttons.
    • Less text in ALL CAPS.

Bug fixes

  • Acquisition stuck in "device busy" state.
  • Crash when loading thumbnails fails.
  • Various UI bugs (missing progress bar, etc.)

Known issues

  • Multiple monitors with different DPI scaling breaks the window minimum/maximum size.
  • Reading from or writing to network drives (e.g. OneDrive) can fail.

Download link : BV_Workbench_4.4.0_Setup_win-x64.exe

· One min read

New features

  • Import dialog.
    • Add multiple image sequences at once.
    • Time range selection.
  • Lens distortion correction.
  • Wavelet denoising.
  • New mask tool.
    • Clicking on a point inside a region of interest will automatically select that area.
  • New filter dialog.
    • Shows combined effect of all filters.
  • Option to save everything in the same folder (similar to version 2).


  • Automatic switching between CPU and GPU processing.
  • Memory efficiency.
  • Chart color preferences.
  • Chart legend.
  • Simplified user interface.
  • Support for more than 65536 frames in BigTIFF format.

Bug fixes

  • (MiCAM05) Error when using some combination of cameras.
  • Fixed bug in BigTIFF format implementation.
  • Duplicate ROI name and colors.
  • Various plotting issues.

Download link : BV_Workbench_4.3.2_Setup_win-x64.exe

· One min read

Summary of what's new in this release of BV Workbench.

  • Performance improvements: 2 to 5 times faster in some scenarios.
  • Signal segmentation algorithm tweaks.
    • Should be more robust.
  • New spectrogram generation tool.
    • Right click a signal then select "Spectrogram".
    • This replaces the "Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT)" feature.
  • Support for TIFF in big-endian byte order.
  • Various bug fixes.
    • Missing notifications.
    • Settings not saved.
    • etc.
  • Automatic install of the Visual C++ runtime.

Download link : BV_Workbench_4.2.0_Setup_win-x64.exe

· One min read

Summary of what's new in this release of BV Workbench.

  • Conduction velocity analysis improvements
    • Faster vector calculation and better numerical stability.
    • New path velocity calculation method
      • Average velocity of vectors which are aligned with the path (within some tolerance range).
    • Tool to compute and display statistics of a region.
    • Tool to show both longitudinal/transverse velocity.
    • Support for different units : m/s, cm/s, mm/s
    • Data filters to remove outliers.
    • Export multiple maps to a single CSV file
      • One column / map.
      • One row / pixel.
    • Export multiple maps to Apache Parquet
      • Alternative to CSV.
      • Can be read in python/MATLAB/etc.
  • Bug fixes
    • dll error when a GPU is not found.
  • Notification when a new version is available (optional).

Download link : BV_Workbench_4.1.1_Setup_win-x64.exe

· One min read

Summary of what's new in this release of BV Workbench.

  • New dataset format : better data organization.
  • New data browser.
  • New figure editor :
    • High quality output.
    • (Experimental) SVG support.
  • Acquisition :
    • Merged with monitor view.
    • (Experimental) Camera plugin support.
  • Filters :
    • Drift removal with finer control.
    • Savitzky-Golay filter.
  • Analysis :
    • Grid view for maps.
    • Phase singularity analysis.
    • Firing rate analysis.
    • Alternans analysis.
    • Statistics plots.
    • Circle ROI
    • Option to import a color palette from a CSV file
  • More video rendering modes.
  • More data export formats.
  • Shortcuts to open the previous/next dataset in the list.
  • Tools to average datasets.
  • Major performance improvements.
  • User interface improvements.
  • Various bug fixes.

Download link : Installer